外围博彩平台 abides by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Sec. 438年,酒吧. L90-247, 修订的, which sets forth requirements for the protection of students’ rights and privacy in their educational records. This statement serves as notice to all students of their rights under the law.

FERPA提供了有关a的法规 学生教育记录, which consists of all records directly related to a student and maintained by 外围博彩平台, with the following exceptions: the FERPA education record does not include law enforcement records, 非学生就业记录, 医疗/心理治疗记录, 校友记录, 或者由制造者单独保管的记录.


 FERPA法规包括一些重要的定义, 包括目录信息, 学校官员, 合法的教育利益.


The 学生教育记录 is divided into two parts: directory information and confidential information.

目录 information is considered to be publicly available and may be released without the student’s consent. At 外围博彩平台, the directory information consists of the following:

  • 名字
  • 地址(本地和家庭)
  • 电子邮件地址(WPU和个人)
  • 电话号码(本地、家庭和移动电话)
  • 出生日期
  • 照片
  • 最近就读的教育机构
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • 运动员的体重和身高
  • 学术课程
  • 出席日期
  • 注册情况(全日制、非全日制等)
  • 班级排名(大一、大二等)
  • 预计毕业日期
  • 授予的学位及授予日期
  • Academic honors and awards received (dean’s list, cum laude, etc)

All other parts of the 学生教育记录 are considered confidential, 包括(但不限于)种族, 性别, 宗教, WPU ID号, 社会保险号, 课程表, 成绩, 平均绩点, 成绩单, 咨询记录, 财务记录, 以及纪律记录.



  • 雇用的人 the university as an administrator, 教师, or staff member;
  • A student employed by the university to assist an administrator, 教师, or staff member in fulfillment of his/her professional duties;
  • 雇用的人, 或者根据合同, 大学要执行一项特殊任务, 如律师或审计员;
  • A person or organization acting as an official agent of the university and performing a business function or service on behalf of the university;
  • A member of an official university committee (may include student members); or
  • 大学董事会成员:在大学董事会任职的人.


A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review the 学生教育记录 in order to:

  • Perform appropriate tasks that are specified in his/her position description or by a contract agreement;
  • 完成一项与学生教育相关的任务;
  • Perform a task related to the student’s discipline; or
  • Provide a service or benefit relating to the student such as health care, 咨询, 就业安置, 或者经济援助.


根据FERPA, parents have no inherent rights to inspect a 学生教育记录 from a college or university. 遵守联邦法律, WPU will release confidential information from the 学生教育记录s to parents only under the following circumstances:

  • Upon the written consent of the student, renewed yearly. WPU provides the  that students can sign to provide this consent.
  • Upon the provision of a copy of the most recent Federal Income Tax form showing that the student was claimed as a financial dependent.
  • In compliance with a lawfully issued (by judge or attorney) subpoena.


Your FERPA rights begin on the first day that you attend class at 外围博彩平台. 这些权利包括:

  1. (三)查阅、审查教育记录的权利. A student who wishes to review the education record should submit the request to the 注册商 in writing. The 注册商 will determine a reasonable timeline for access, 安排进出, and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  2. The right to request an amendment of an education record that the student believes to be inaccurate, 误导, or otherwise in violation of privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to request an amendment to the education record should submit a request to the 注册商 in writing. If 外围博彩平台 decides not to amend the record as requested, the student will be notified of the decision in writing. 请注意:FERPA关注的是准确性. FERPA does not provide a process for questioning substantive decisions that are correctly recorded, such as a grade that is accurately entered on the student’s transcript but with which the student disagrees.
  3. The right to suppress the disclosure of directory information (see definition), provided that the request is submitted while the student is enrolled. A student who wishes to exercise this right should submit to the 注册商 a completed “Request to Withhold 目录信息” form, 可向档案处索龋.
  4. The right to provide written consent before 外围博彩平台 discloses confidential information from the 学生教育记录s, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Please note that 外围博彩平台 discloses confidential information from education records without prior written consent to 学校官员 with legitimate educational interests (see definition) and under additional FERPA provisions authorizing disclosure without consent. A full description of all authorized exceptions for disclosure may be obtained from the 注册商.
  5. 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by 外围博彩平台 to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The Family Policy Compliance Office administers FERPA and any complaints may be filed at the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5901.



